Rusingo started its journey in the year 2017 in Bengaluru, Karnataka. It was started by a mother-daughter duo from Chennai who decided to bring authentic vegetarian and vegan food offerings that were free of additives and preservatives to our community.
We started our journey with our family owned recipes to blend ready to cook freshly ground spices. Soon enough, the freshness of our spices became popular and a natural progression was to add a range of artisan hand made products.
At the heart of Rusingo, we have a unique opportunity to enrich the quality of life for many women in South India who have a great deal of knowledge in traditional Indian recipes. This helps them gain financial independence which in turn improves the quality of life for their children. We take immense pride in promoting and supporting women who show courage to be self-starters.
Fryums or Papads have a deep rooted place in Indian Culture. We make many different flavours of hand made papads that are artisan. We only use natural sun light to dry our fryums. Our Fryums are Sago, rice and lentil based. True to Rusingo recipes we do not add any artificial colors or preservatives.
We wanted to bring traditional snacks to modern homes, mainly for children to appreciate our deep rooted culture in food. The range of snacks we offer such as Butter Murukku (Butter Rings), range of Mixtures and Banana Chips are appreciated by consumers who want a “home made” taste versus a Factory made flavor in their snacks.
Our range of home made pickles carry a special place in our customer’s dinner tables. Our pickle recipes are handed down by generations and seasoned to perfection. A must try for anyone.
In 2019, Rusingo decided to brings this same goodness to overseas markets. After living in the US for 12 years, Rusingo’s founder had a first experience that cooking traditional and flavor some Indian food from scratch can be an exhausting and a daunting ordeal. It is hugely time consuming and often finding the right quality of ingredients can be a cumbersome search.
We decided to partner with a world class kitchen in UAE, that is FDA registered, state of the art and yet flexible to adapt to Rusingo’s home grown recipes. Our product catalogue was carefully designed to ensure Indians living abroad get real flavours without compromising on health, authenticity and taste. True to our commitment, our freshly frozen range too does not carry any additives or preservatives.